How should we turn off IR so that it won't disturb any nesting birds?

Please check below video for your reference:

🧙‍♂️ NOTE: It's strongly recommended for your side to do aging test for 24 hours to make sure it doesn't have moisture on the glass of the front cover.

How should we do aging test to get moisture disasspeared on the glass of the front cover?

Please follow the below steps:

  1. Softly disassemble the camera and loosen the front cover a little bit;

  2. Let the camera face down to the desk or floor and make sure the IR is turned on if it's not removed which will be much better for aging test;

  3. Power on the camera and let it keep running for at least 24 hours or more;

  4. Keep running the camera without power off and tighten the screws of front cover;

  5. Later please check whether there's any mositure when using;

Last updated